With a full-time job, a 1-year-old baby boy, I may not need much sleep to get going, there are still more projects ideas piling up than time to pursue them all. I thought it would be a good idea to compile them somewhere.


  • The Staff Engineer’s Path: A Guide for Individual Contributors Navigating Growth and Change - Tanya Reilly
  • Designing Data-Intensive Applications - Martin Kleppmann


  • La CaméràPiaf, an rpi-based camera to point at a bird feeding house, that takes pictures of birds and sends them to an email address. This would be a present for my father-in-law, he loves his birds! 😄


  • ~~a household gravity battery~~ not a viable energy storage solution after all


  • a caesar 3 derivative board game WIP!

Software Dev

  • an asset maker - successor to Asset Forge -> I started Game Asset Crafter!
  • leverage https://github.com/VoylinsGamedevJourney/gozen_lite to make a godot-based shrimp controller